Saturday 2 August 2014

Gaza tunnels, Hamas New Tactics Against Israel

Gaza - Israel as the relentless pounding of Gaza. Since the Zionist State military attack, until now there were at least 1,674 people in Gaza have been dying. While the injured victims were approximately 7,500 people. From the Israeli side, carrying 56 people were killed, almost all of them are soldiers.

Most of the Israeli soldiers were killed during a culling operation that built an underground tunnel Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that rules the Gaza Strip. In recent days, Israeli forces face new tactics of Hamas, the tunnel strategy.

The entrance of the tunnel in the form of a vertical shaft, usually hidden in the house. "Down down about 12 feet or so before it reaches the horizontal section, lined with concrete and electrical wiring. Majority tunnel hole about 1 meter wide and 2.5 meters tall. Hardly enough to accommodate a man carrying a heavy load of weapons," according to The Guardian, Saturday (08/02/2014).

When traced back again, tunnel deeper decline, reaching up to 30 meters below the surface. "Most of the tunnel has a length of 1 to 3 kilometers and has many entrances and branches. Entire tunnel connected with other parts and the bunkers were used as a command center and store weapons and to maintain political and military leaders of Hamas radar safe from Israeli forces.

Secret tunnels and bunkers-shaped maze was constructed painstakingly by Hamas over the past few years. Construction of the tunnel even very large cost.

Israeli forces were racing to find and destroy the cross-border tunnels as much as possible. This is because Hamas and other militant groups use their strategic weapons underground to launch attacks on Israeli soldiers. Both in Gaza and across the border in Israel.

Israeli Army Targets

On Friday, August 1, 2014, several members of Hamas emerged from the tunnel near the town of Rafah, southern Gaza. They killed two soldiers and also allegedly abducting Israeli soldiers.

Hamas party also claimed they could not be destroyed in an Israeli air strike next. On Tuesday, five Israeli soldiers were killed in an Israeli military tower by the militants who had crossed the border underground and emerge through a hidden tunnel shaft.

Sophisticated labyrinth of tunnels Hamas is clearly surprising the Israeli military leadership. However, they remain determined to destroy the tunnels belonging to Hamas.

More than 2 weeks after launching a ground offensive in Gaza, Israel Defense Forces Chief Command (IDF) Southern part of Major General Sami Turgeman say they're getting closer to achieving the goal of military operations. "We just need a few more days to destroy all the tunnels offensive," said Major General Sami Turgeman, Thursday, July 31, 2014.

On the same day, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a similar statement. "IDF Soldiers were completing the neutralization of terrorist tunnel. Tunnel will allow Hamas to kidnap and kill civilians and IDF soldiers through a simultaneous attack from many tunnels that penetrate our territory. We are now determined to destroy the ability of Hamas," Netanyahu said.

3 Type Tunnel

Eado Hecht, an Israeli defense analyst specializing in underground war, reveals there are 3 types of tunnels under Gaza:

First, smuggling tunnels on the border between Gaza and Egypt.

Second, defense tunnels in Gaza, which is used for the storage of weapons and command centers.

Third, offensive tunnels used for cross-border attacks on Israel.

So far the Israeli military said there were about 32-35 tunnels offensive, in which more than half have been destroyed.

To note, the tunnel construction began in Gaza more than a decade ago. Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was reportedly kidnapped by militia near the Israeli border and dragged back to the region in 2006.

But after Israel tightened its blockade of Gaza the following year, hundreds of tunnels to smuggle goods and people built under the Gaza-Egypt border. Hamas is also a separate tunnel to bring weapons into Gaza.

In recent years, Hamas has used expertise gained valuable smuggling routes in construction to build a network of tunnels defensive and offensive. Offensive tunnel has been excavated by hand, such as the use of the machine will be the risk of detection.

Military analysts estimate that each tunnel requires 2-3 years to complete at a cost of millions of dollars.

Destroying the tunnels is also a laborious operation. "This is a very dangerous job," said Hecht. "First, the location of tunnel entrance is very difficult, they are a needle in a haystack. Remote technology was not there to locate and map underground tunnels," he added.

Eado Hecht added anyway. "Once you find the entrance, you have to go up to the to know whether it is defensive or offensive tunnel. Then you have to map the tunnel. Where it occurs, whether it has a branch. Then you have to go to almost the entire tunnel with explosives. And during this time the Israeli army attacked risky, shot, trap. these are deadly game of hide and seek. "

Sniff Israel Since 2012

Meanwhile, Brigadier General Shimon Daniel said it was aware of the threat of Hamas tunnels strategy.

"We know there is a strategic threat, but we can not deal with it. We take risks and we waited. This is a big problem. Was not an easy thing to deal with," said Daniel, high-ranking Israeli reservists who had served the IDF Combat Engineering Corps Chief in 2003 to 2007.

When asked why the military does not address the threat of the tunnel in November 2012, when Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza, when he admitted that a lot of consideration.

"There are many reasons that influence the way we act, for political reasons, international reasons.'s Very complicated ..."

Even when Israel said it had reached the current offensive strategic objectives and destroy tunnels Hamas offensive, there is no guarantee that everyone will have been found and 'neutralized'.

A senior IDF source said Israel's ground operations held for 3 days the goal is to destroy as much as possible tunnel like that.

"It's very difficult for me to say. Because there is always the possibility we do not know about all the tunnels. And what you do not know, you do not know," said Daniel.

As according to Hecht, the Israeli military operation at least make it more difficult for Hamas party rebuild the tunnel.

To that end, Israel said that 'demilitarization' of Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza is an essential element of any cease-fire to end the current conflict. Thus, Hamas will be difficult to expand the tunnels and rocket launching difficult.

However, Daniel said, Hamas will not be easily deterred. "Of course Hamas will try to re-establish the tunnel. When we came out [of Gaza] they will start digging."

US Congress approves USD 2.6 Trillion Fund to Iron Dome Israel

Washington - The United States Congress approved the US $ 225 million or around Rp 2.6 trillion to help the defense system Iron Dome missile or anti-Israeli. Iron Dome is intended to destroy Hamas fired missiles before they can reach the target.

Congress approved the funding by a vote 395 to 8 on Friday, August 1, 2014 night. The Senate previously approved the measures unanimously before the start of a five-week summer recess. The next step awaits the signature of President Barack Obama.

"We can not wait a month or five weeks longer by not acting to help Israeli Iron Dome missile replenish the supply," said Sen. John McCain of Arizona, as quoted by CNN, Saturday (08/02/2014).

On Thursday night, Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma blocked funds requested Iron Dome Defense Minister Chuck Hagel. The reason is because it is considered to add to the budget deficit the United States.

But McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and then talk to Coburn --Of fiscal conservatives terkenal-- related crisis facing Israel.

McCain called on Congress and President Obama to approve the funding of Iron Dome to show Israel that it stood with them and give them what they need to defend themselves.

Iron Dome is a tool that uses radar, advanced tracking technology and anti-missile batteries to follow the trajectory of the incoming rocket or mortar fire into Israel. Tools that will determine whether the missile was headed to the major population centers or not.

If urban areas are threatened, interceptor tool to track and blow it up in the air near the missile. This system targets the short-range rockets with a range between 2 kilometers and 45 kilometers.
p Mati untuk Gaza
Wahyu Purnomo siap bertolak ke Gaza, Palestina yang bergolak. Meski nyawa jadi taruhan. Pria yang akrab disapa Ipung itu bahkan telah mendaftar di posko relawan Gaza di Masjid Gedhe Kauman pada Kamis 10 Juli 2014. Untuk jadi koki alias juru masak tanpa bayaran.
“Saya sudah niat. Wis (sudah) tekad bulat. Ya terserah orang bilang saya edan,” kata dia kepada
Ipung memang tak punya sertifikat chef, kursus saja tak pernah. Namun, pria kelahiran Yogyakarta 24 Maret 1982 itu mengaku, pengalaman menjadi relawan bagian dapur saat bencana Tsunami Aceh 2004, Gempa Yogya 2006, maupun erupsi Merapi tak boleh diremehkan. “Kalau disuruh masak, masakan saya jelas lebih enak dari istri saya,” kata dia, yakin.
Untuk mempersiapkan diri, Ipung sudah mencari referensi makanan khas Palestina. “Apa yang bisa saya masak, ya itu yang akan saya lakukan. Seperti roti gandum, tongseng kambing, itu saya bisa. Kebab kita bisa pakai gandum. Nanti juga saya kenalkan makanan khas Yogya atau Indonesia, oseng-oseng misalnya. Kalau nggak mau mereka, ya akan bikin khas sana saja,” kata dia.
Bapak beranak dua itu bahkan mengaku, keluarga sudah merelakannya pergi. Termasuk sang istri, bahkan kantor tempatnya bekerja. “Prinsip saya kemanusiaan. Kalau ada apa-apa di sana itu nanti jadi jihad saya,” kata pria yang pernah jadi sopir mobil jenazah selama 3 tahun itu.
Relawan lainnya yang  juga mendaftar pada tempat dan waktu sama adalah Irwan. Namun namanya tercatat sebagai tim medis di Gaza nanti. Meski tak punya latar belakang sebagai paramedis.
Irwan mengaku mendapat ilmu dari pengalaman, juga pelatihan medis dari Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI). “Pernah pengalaman jadi relawan di Poso, Ambon, Merapi dan gempa Yogya,” ujar dia.
Amputasi dengan Gergaji Kayu

Menjadi relawan di Tanah Air tentu saja berbeda dengan di wilayah konflik seperti Gaza. Hal itu dipahami benar oleh pendiri Mer-C, Joserizal Jurnalis.
Kali pertama ia masuk ke wilayah padat yang diblokade itu 6 tahun lalu. "Dua minggu di Mesir nunggu dulu sebelum ke Gaza. Sebelum gencatan sejata, 2-3 hari, baru diperbolehkan masuk ke kawasan itu," ungkapnya mengenang kala itu.
Berada di medan perang seperti itu, ujar Jose, tentu saja harus siap dengan kondisi serba kekurangan saat mengobati korban. "Pasti kondisi gitu kurang semua-semua. Ya peralatan medis, obat-obatan, tapi harus siap," katanya.
Untuk mengakalinya, beber Jose, semua korban diobati terlebih dahulu dengan alat dan obat seadanya.
"Pasien yang gawat, distabilkan dulu. Baru kami kirim ke luar. bisa dikirim rumah sakit keluar Gaza, atau di Rumah Sakit Sifa," ungkapnya. "Itu saya pertama kali ke Gaza," kenangnya.
Dalam mengobati para korban di lokasi konflik, sambung Jose, tentu saja banyak hal-hal mengerikan.
"Di Maluku saya pernah memotong tulang (mengamputasi) korban dengan gergaji kayu, sedangkan di Gaza ngobati orang-orang yang terkena mortir," kata alumni Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia itu.
"Yang terparah yang pernah saya tangani adalah anak kecil di Gaza. Dari panggul ke paha robek, somplak-somplak. Sudah dibius mau dioperasi. Tapi tak terselamatkan," rincinya mengingat dirinya masa itu berada di medan perang.
Pria kelahiran Padang, Sumatera Barat itu mengungkapkan banyak yang trauma akibat bom-bom Israel. "Mengerikan," ujar dia.
Dampak Konflik di Gaza

Bapak dari 3 orang anak ini mengungkapkan, rakyat Gaza benar-benar menderita dengan kondisi konflik seperti itu.
"Saat kondisi perang mereka ketakutan. Apalagi anak-anak. Cuma kan mereka ini punya orangtua dan ibu yang kuat," paparnya.
"Jadi mereka mendidik anak-anak dengan kuat, berani, sabar dan tahan. Faktor keluarga, dan belajar agama," jelas dia.
Kalau tak ada perang, anak-anak itu juga melakukan aktifitas seperti biasa. "Ya bermain dan berkumpul bersama anak-anak," tuturnya.

Usaha orang-orang yang turut serta meringankan penderitaan warga Gaza pun terpampang di Facebooknya. "Kaleng yang dipakai Amora untuk galang dana di kompleknya. Amorita (kelas 5 SD berinisiatif sendiri tanpa sepengetahuan ayahnya) menggalang dana untuk Gaza dengan keliling komplek," tulis Jose, disertai foto anak perempuan berkerudung berhati mulia itu.
"Perkumpulan tukang pulsa dan dari gereja sumbang Rumah Sakit Indonesia Gaza sebanyak Rp 38 jutaan. Mereka juga bantu counter isu fitnah terhadap MER-C," demikian tulis Jose menginformasikan bantuan lainnya.
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Zionist, Obama, and the Religious Land 3

Jakarta - By: Elin Yunita Kristanti, Alexander Lumbantobing, Tanti Yulianingsih, Rizki Gunawan, Fathi Mahmud

A letter came from Gaza, to the world. The author tells the story of the emotional ground invasion bereavement: bodies lacerated, blood dripping, shivering, dying, and eventually died.

The victim was a Palestinian people of all ages, nearly all civilians who had no sin. Humans - he wrote in capital letters - once again treated like animals. By soldiers (who claim) the most moral in world, Israel.

The author is a living orchestra Israeli war machine, an artillery salvo terrible symphony of warships at the end of the beach, the roar of F-16 fighter jets, drones sound that makes goose bumps, rumble ditingkahi Apache. All created and financed by the United States - the eternal ally of Tel Aviv.

The appeal was addressed to President Barack Obama, who supports the aggression, with reason 'defense' of Israel from Hamas rockets.

"Mr. Obama - if you have a heart?

I invite you, spend one night - one night only - with us in Shifa. Disguised as a cleaner, perhaps.

I am sure, 100 percent, it will change history.

Nobody, who has a heart and can power through the night at Shifa without determined to end the slaughter of the Palestinian people ...

Please. Do what you can. It should not be allowed. "

The sender was not the Palestinians, but a doctor who volunteered at the al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza. His name, Mads Gilbert, MD PhD. Male 67 years it has been many times to serve in Gaza, 17 years back and forth. He comes from a country where people enjoy the fun and freedom: Norway.

Gilbert admitted that leads humanity to come, without pay. To the banks of the Mediterranean region where it is to be a witness of a 'massacre'. Although compatriots accuse his testimony as a hoax.

Just as Rachel Corrie who was killed as bulldozer Caterpillar D9R facing Israeli settlements that would destroy the Palestinian people. 23 years old girl from the United States, a Christian, was accused of defending the 'terrorists'.

Meanwhile, in Kensington High Street, London, England. A group of people held a demonstration in front of the Israeli embassy. Includes 3 men who performed striking with the black robe and long beard.

They raised the poster. One of them could be read: "Judaism rejects the Zionist state and condemns its criminal siege and occupation" - "Judaism rejects the Zionist state and condemned the criminal act of siege and occupation". They are a Jewish rabbi. Which condemned Israel.

A similar action was held in all parts of the world. Also in Paris, Rome, New York, and in front of the White House in Washington DC.

In the capital city of the United States, in his speech, Rabbi Dovid Feldman of Jews United Against Zionism, said the United States must stop its support for Israel. "We appeal to the United States to stop this bloodshed," he said as quoted from CBS Local, Sunday, July 20, 2014.

"We have to understand, that (the Israeli attack) is wrong. We must understand that it is dangerous, crime, anti-religion, also anti-Jewish. "

Palestinians waving flags, thousands of demonstrators calling for the same message: free the Palestinians and stop the violence in Gaza. In the same row there is the United States - white and colored, citizens of all nations, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, ...

There is also the other way. On July 15, 2014, Jews in Britain fasting - with Muslims - called for an end to violence.

Unfortunately, in Sarcelles, France, demonstration demanding peace in Gaza turned into chaos. The action was initially turned violent when the mob attacked the Jewish-owned businesses, Sunday, July 20, 2014.

A number of shops were looted, police fired tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd.

The action has actually been banned, amid fears that the Jewish community would be targeted by protesters - after last weekend's mob tried to storm two synagogues in Paris.

"When you vent into the synagogue, when you burn the shop on a street corner just because it belongs to the Jews, you have made an anti-Semitic," said French Foreign Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve.

Meanwhile, in Morocco, a Jewish Rabbi became victims of the attacks. Whoever did it, he may not know is not the same as Israeli Jews. Even once rabbis have condemned the Zionist state.

Palestine: Land of Three Religions

Religion is not being fought in Gaza. Zionism and Israeli politics is not the same as religious Zionists - who believe that the return to the Promised Land is not an action is determined by humans, let alone accuse colonialism, but that they would return when and how God was the one who decides.

Palestinian Ambassador to Indonesia Fariz Mehdawi asserted, the ongoing conflict in Gaza is not a matter of belief. Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in harmony in Palestine.

"There are more than 1,500 Christians in Gaza ... not in all of Palestine. Due throughout Palestine more Christian people, in Bethlehem, Jerusalem," he said when interviewed Liputan6.

"There are also Jews in Palestine, which is not the immigrants from Europe. Thus, instead of being part of the occupiers. Jewish citizens in our history, even before Israel was established." One of them even became a member of parliament.

"And they did not think of themselves as the people of Israel. They view themselves as Palestinians," said the ambassador. "So, who's to say there is a problem of religion in Palestine?"

Alex Awad, East Jerusalem Church priest criticizes Western eyes look lopsided Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "They do not know who invaded whom, who the oppressor, who seized the land, which is building a wall to try to separate people from each other," said Alex Awad told The Christian Post.


According to Awad, the roots of the conflict in Gaza does not just kidnapping and murder of 3 teens Israel. But the collective punishment imposed on all the people of Gaza - an expression of anger over the Palestinian population, in this case Hamas, which opposes the blockade and occupation of the Zionist state.

He also accused Israel of using Gaza as a diversion to attack the issue, 'cover-up' expansion of settlements in the West Bank.

Awad added that Christians in Gaza are suffering the same with Muslims there. Threatened bomb, just gets a small electric 8 hours per day, difficult to get clean water.

There is no such thing as 'Christian City', there's people live together with other people. In the Gaza Strip, but also in the West Bank. They chose a neutral, not being part of the battle. "We do not fight on the side of Hamas. We do not fight on the side of Israel. Most Christians are very neutral," said Awad.

"But, at heart, we side with our brothers in Palestine, including Muslims. Because we know they are the victims of occupation, oppressed, and treated in violation of Human Rights (HAM) other," said Awad. Infographics greedy Israel over Gaza


Slaughter Palestinians, Israeli brutality Similar Nazis?

A little boy of Palestine, with wounds all over the body, exerting all his strength to grip the paramedics who tried to lay her clothes in a hospital bed. The images record the sad scene was widespread in cyberspace.

However, there can not be captured in a piece of the portrait. The screams of the children: "I want my father! Bring my father back here!"

The photo was also not reveal a gaping wound on the left side of his head, a large shrapnel in his neck, small pieces of metal lodged in his chest, and stomach. All due to the invasion of Israeli artillery.

The story behind the photos taken at al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza City, Thursday, revealed by a junior doctor Dabour Belal told The Electronic Intifada.

"At about 3:00, about 8 or 9 victims came to the emergency room at once. Includes 4 brothers - two of whom were small children 3 years old, who suffered relatively superficial wounds," he said, as quoted Sydney Morning Herald , Monday, July 17, 2014.

Then came the oldest of 4 siblings, a boy in early adolescence. Head, his face was also covered in blood. He stressed lap to his head to stop the flow of red liquid. However, his mind focused on other things. "Save my brother !," she cried many times.

Meanwhile, the boy in the photo was screaming and shouted for her father, when paramedics took him to intensive care.

"After examining the wound carefully, it turns out it was caused by the explosion of artillery that destroyed the walls of his house. Several of his injuries are caused by high-speed projectiles," wrote Dr. Dabour.

Shrapnel in the neck of the child was nearly hit a major artery, almost piercing his chest piece in the lung, and one in his belly almost reaches the intestine. Regardless, "the boy was lucky," said Dr. Dabour. The doctor has seen too much death.

Dr. Dabour not know who the child's name in photo. Clearly, he was just one of the many victims who come. "There's a body was split into two, some decapitated, some are destroyed and unrecognizable. There also can be saved."

So what about the fate of the boy's family? "I do not know if he managed to be reunited with his father, or what happened to his family," he wrote.

"But there is one thing I know for sure, is that hundreds of children as he suffered the same injury or worse, and as of this writing, nearly 80 boy as he was killed by Israeli attacks without mercy.

Dangerous weapons

In a ground invasion into Gaza, the Israeli military reported using flechette shells or steel arrows illegally, even according to the rules issued by human rights organizations of the Zionist state.

Flechette generally fired tanks. The deadly shells explode in the air, above the target --mengirimkan thousands of small steel darts each no more than 4 cm in length. Reported The Independent.

According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), 6 bullets fired at Khuzaa village in the Gaza Strip on July 17. A 37-year-old girl, Nahla Khalil Najjar, suffered a gunshot wound in the chest.

When confirmed, the Israeli military did not deny using the shell in conflict in Gaza. However, they argue only use weapons "were lawful under the rules of international law".

Flechette been used before in Gaza and declared legal by the Supreme Court of Israel in 2002, but in 2011, reports the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem call them, "contains a very high potential hazards that harm innocent civilians". (Read also: Hamas Use Donkey Bomb?)

So far the lives of Palestinians who robbed as many as 507 people, since Israel launched operation 'Protective Edge' last July 8, 2014 until Monday, July 20, 2014 - including those who died in Shaja'ia. Similarly, according to Gaza Health Ministry. While reaching a total of 3,000 injured people.

"Israel has committed crimes against humanity," said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told Al Jazeera. Therefore, most of them were killed in Shaja'ia are women and children.

Instead, Israel says military has warned residents to leave Shaja'ia, which is considered a key area of Hamas rocket launches into Israel.

On the Israeli side, 13 soldiers were killed in a bloody battle last Sunday - the bloodiest day in Gaza in the next 5 years, said adding casualties to 18 people, 2 of them civilians.

It was the largest number of soldiers killed in combat since the 2006 Lebanon war Among those killed was Max Steinberg, a native of California, and Sean Carmeli, an IDF soldier from South Padre Island, Texas.

"We do everything we can to not harm the people of Gaza," said Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. However, "Hamas did everything they could to make sure the people of Gaza suffer."

There's No Place to Run

Israel claims to have warned residents before the start of the attack, however, for Enas Sisisalem, there was nowhere to run.

"There is no one that is guaranteed to survive, there is no place to run, because everywhere became a target." Said the two children who lived in the settlement of al-Remal in Gaza City, told CNN. "Gunshots definitely makes my children cry."

Residents Shaja'ia, he said, not without trying to run away. "But the fire occurred without stopping," said Sisisalem. "People run away from home just bring the clothes they wore, their children, and anything that can be achieved by hand."

The UN estimates that about 70% of the Palestinians killed in Gaza were civilians.

More than 100,000 people displaced by the conflict, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs).

Meanwhile, more than 83 thousand Gazans seek refuge in UN schools, - the number increased more than 400% in a matter of days, according to Chris Gunness, spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.

World split responding to endless conflict in Gaza. Secretary of State John Kerry blamed Hamas, which is considered to perpetuate the conflict, such factions urged to "be responsible and accept ... multilateral unconditional ceasefire".

In contrast, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of killing Palestinians "without mercy" and criticized Washington for turning a blind eye to the suffering people of Gaza.

He even said, what Israel does in Gaza is more cruel than what Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

"They condemn Hitler day and night," he said. "But their barbaric actions even beyond what Hitler." In a telephone conversation with Secretary of State John Kerry, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the statement of Erdogan.

But not only Erdogan who think like that. African National Congress (ANC), the party founded late Nelson Mandela, and even equate the actions of Israel in Gaza to what was done in Nazi Germany against the Jews.

South Africa has historically supporting the Palestinian struggle for independence. In fact, Mandela never equate Israel with apartheid state. And last week the Deputy Secretary General of the ANC Jessie Duarte comparing Israel with Nazi Germany.

"We do not feel the need to apologize, as we uncover what statement what we feel about Israel," said ANC spokesman, Zizi Kodwa as quotes from ENCA site. "Israel is now using what is called a missile and strength, beyond that it is supported by large countries such as the United States."


Ready to die for Gaza

Wahyu Purnomo ready to leave for Gaza, Palestine turbulent. Despite the lives at stake. The man who was familiarly called Ipung it even has to register at the post volunteer Gedhe Kauman Gaza mosque on Thursday, July 10th 2014 To be a chef cook alias without pay.

"I have the intention. Wis (already) determination. I say it's up to the ridiculous, "he told 

Ipung chef does not have a certificate, the course never alone. However, men born in Yogyakarta on March 24, 1982 was admitted, the experience of being a volunteer when the kitchen Tsunami disaster of 2004, Yogyakarta Earthquake of 2006, or the eruption should not be underestimated. "If asked to cook, my cooking is much more pleasant than my wife," he said, sure.

To prepare, Ipung already find references typical food of Palestine. "What can I cook, so that's what I would do. Such as whole wheat bread, goat tongseng, that I could. Kebab we can use wheat. I'll also introduce typical Yogya or Indonesian food, stir-stir example. If you do not want them, yes there will be a typical make it, "he said.

Father of two children was even admitted, the family had to let go. Including his wife, even the office where she worked. "My principle of humanity. If there is anything in there that'll be my jihad, "said the man who had been a driver for 3 years hearse that.

Other volunteers who also enroll at the same place and time is Irwan. But the name is registered as a medical team in Gaza later. Although no background as a paramedic.

Irwan claimed to have knowledge of the experience, as well as medical training of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI). "Never volunteer experience in Poso, Ambon, Merapi, and the earthquake," he said.

Amputation with Wood Saws

Being a volunteer in the country is of course different from those in conflict areas such as Gaza. It was understood correctly by the founder of Mer-C, Joserizal Journalists.

The first time he went into the blockaded territory solid was 6 years ago. "Two weeks in Egypt before waiting to Gaza. Prior ceasefire, 2-3 days, only allowed to enter the region," he recalled at the time.

Being in such a battlefield, said Jose, of course, must be ready with deprivation when treating victims. "It must be so lacking all conditions-all. Yeah medical equipment, medical supplies, but should be ready," he said.

To outsmart, beber Jose, all victims treated first with makeshift equipment and medicine.

"Patients with severe, stabilized first. Newer we send out. Could be sent out of Gaza hospital, or at Sifa Hospital," he said. "It was my first time to Gaza," he recalls.

In treating the victims at the site of conflict, continued Jose, of course a lot of horrible things.

"In Maluku I never cut the bone (amputate) victims with a chainsaw wood, while in Gaza ngobati people exposed mortar," said alumni of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

"The worst that I've handled is the small child in Gaza. Torn from the pelvis to the thigh, somplak-somplak.'s Been sedated want surgery., But not saved," he detailed remember that time he was on the battlefield.

Men born in Padang, West Sumatra, it reveals a lot of the trauma caused by Israeli bombs. "Terrible," he said.

Impact of Conflict in Gaza

Father of 3 children, was revealed, the people of Gaza are really suffering with conditions such conflicts.

"When the war conditions they fear. Especially children.'s Just right they have parents and mother is strong," he said.

"So they educate children with a strong, brave, patient and hold. Factor family, and studied religion," he explained.

If there is no war, the children also perform activities as usual. "Yes playing and hanging out with the kids," he said.

Business people who participated alleviate the suffering of Gazans were plastered on Facebook. "Amora Cans used for fundraising in a completely. Amorita (5 th grade when his dad's own initiative) to raise funds for Gaza with around the complex," wrote Jose, accompanied by photographs of girls hooded hearted it.

"Society of the church handyman pulse and discordant Indonesian Hospital Gaza as much as Rp 38 million. They also help counter the issue of defamation of MER-C," writes Jose inform other assistance.
