Lebaran holiday is fun this year. After bersilahturahmi with family remaining few days that can be used for a vacation. But also be aware of the effects of a vacation because we forget to control the intake of food that enters the body.
Try the following during the holidays as reported by WebMD, Tuesday (29/30/2014) so there soaring weight after the holidays.
1. Avoid buying overeating
At the time of visiting new places and do a culinary tour, a variety of foods to eat and usually make very satisfied.
This was justified by Linda H. Clemens EdD, RD of Consumer Science and Education Department of the University of Memphis, which found that women tended to buy excess food when outside the home compared to normal days. This causes the body of excess calories and fat.
2. Expand walk
Enjoy the scenery while walking holiday destination. Not just getting more clear and detailed experience, this activity was able to burn excess calories during dinner.
3. Expand the message of healthy menu
While at the restaurant will indeed be faced with dozens of tempting menu. After their food preferences do not forget to order a meal that is good for the body such as fruits and vegetables.
4. Always provide water
Prepare always a bottle of mineral water in your bag while walking to prevent the body from dehydration, especially if the vacation at the beach.
5. Eating when hungry and stop when full
At meals, eat slowly until your hunger is gone and immediately stop when full.