Saturday 2 August 2014

First, MH17 victim's body was Identified

Donetsk - For the first time, the bodies of the crash victims airline Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 identified. Successful forensic experts discovered the identity of the passengers.

According to the Dutch Ministry of Justice Specification, the body was known to be their citizens. The full identity has notified the family. But can not be revealed to the public.

"This is a Dutch citizen. Much of the information about the identity we have to inform the family," a statement from the Dutch Ministry of Justice, as published by the Telegraph, Sunday (07/27/2014).

MH17 aircraft crashed due to a rocket shot in the air over the Eastern Ukraine, precisely in the region Krasni Luch, Luhansk and Shakhtarsk, near Donetsk on 17 July. Donetsk is a city that is controlled by the pro-Russian rebel.

There were 298 passengers on the plane that was shot in the Ukraine sky. A total of 193 of them Dutch citizens. 12 others are Indonesian citizens.

Most of the bodies and body parts have been flown to the Netherlands. Dutch forensic team is currently identifying the bodies. While hundreds of other bodies are still being around the crash site.

"There are 200 specialists who were busy identifying. Probably took a month to finalize everything," said the Dutch Ministry.

To locate and identify the passenger who is a citizen of Indonesia (WNI), Police Headquarters sent a Disaster Victim Investigation Team (DVI) to Ukraine on July 22.