Tuesday 12 August 2014

Moringa Leaf Benefits for Health and Nutrition Source


You must have heard the proverb that says "The World is not as wide as the leaves kelor". Proverbs appear because it leaves kelor a size small enough. But do not judge something from its appearance alone. Because the fact is, in the back of the small size of the leaves is stored kelor benefits and nutritional content of unusually large.

Some research reveals that vitamin content in leaves kelor seven times more than oranges and 4 times more than carrots. Content potassiumnya 3-fold bananas. And calcium content equivalent to four glasses of milk. I think you should say wooow to some facts that you just read.

Unfortunately, in Indonesia there is not much use as a source of nutrition kelor leaves. Booked new territories such as eastern Indonesia Nusa Tenggara benefiting kelor leaves for consumption. I take pictures on facebook from my friends (those NTBs) that uploads kelor leaf vegetable food menu.

Nutrients Leaves Kelor

Nutrient content in the leaf is turned kelor not kidding. 100 grams of protein in the leaves kelor equivalent nutrients of protein in one egg. In fact, other studies showed very surprising when compared with other nutrient-rich foodstuffs.

The comparison leaves kelor with other food in the same amount (grams) showed the following results:
  1. kelor leaves contain seven times more vitamin C from vitamin C in citrus fruits,
  2. contains vitamin A fourfold vitamin A in carrots, 
  3. calcium in the leaves kelor equivalent to calcium in four glasses of milk, 
  4. potassium equivalent to that contained in three bananas,
  5. protein equivalent of two proteins in yogurt
  6. besides, powdered leaves contain protein kelor higher than leaf fresh kelor ie 20-26 grams per 100 grams.

Benefits Kelor leaves for medicine

Here are some of the benefits of traditional medicine leaves kelor as to cure a variety of diseases:

Ringworm (herpes) and wound abscess

Method: Mash leaves kelor with lime, then smeared the punches above the wound / scab.

separating iron

How: 3 receiver kelor leaves finely pounded, brewed with 1 glass of boiled water and filtered. Then mixed with honey and stir until evenly distributed. Laludiminum once a day at bedtime.

Yellow Pain Medication

How: 3-7 receiver kelor leaves, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 glass of coconut water green. Kelor leaves finely pounded, rated 1 glass of coconut water and filtered. Then add 1 tablespoon honey and mix until evenly distributed. Drink, and do it regularly until healed.

Drugs worms

How: 3 receiver kelor leaves, 1 handle chili leaves, stems Phylanthus 1-2. All material is boiled with 2 cups of water until remaining 1 glass of boiling, then filtered. Potable water per day.

Eye Pain Medication

How: Three handle leaves kelor. Kelor leaves finely pounded, rated 1 glass of water and stir until evenly distributed. Then hushed a moment to settle ampasnya. Water is used as an ingredient eyedrops.

Difficult urination

Here's how: One tablespoon cider kelor leaves and cucumber juice or grated carrots in the same amount. The ingredients are mixed and added to 1 glass of water, then filtered. Drink every day.

Biduren drugs (allergy)

How: 1-3 receiver kelor leaves, 1 clove onion and fennel pulasari enough. All material is boiled with 3 cups of water until remaining 2 cups boiling, then filtered. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

Rheumatic Drugs and sore earthquake

How: 2-3 receiver kelor leaves, 1/2 tablespoon whiting. The second material is finely crushed. Used for liniment (param).

Given the nutritional content and benefits are so great kelor leaves. Looks like we've got to start encouraging kelor leaves as our daily food.