Monday 4 August 2014

The mission of NASA's New Year 2021: Create Oxygen on Mars

Washington, DC - The government of the United States is responsible for the United States space program and general aerospace research long-term, is preparing his latest mission. 2020 NASA spacecraft scheduled to land on Mars in 2021.

The plane was scheduled to bring 7 project, which will search for evidence of life, and bring home samples which are on the Red Planet.

One such project, contains equipment that is capable of converting carbon dioxide or CO2 that has been dominating the air on Mars into oxygen or O2. His name is Moxie. Later that tool will analyze whether the change can support human life, or it could be rocket fuel for manned.

Other projects were also taken, are 2 cameras and a weather station pilot weighing 40 kg.

"Today is an exciting day for us," said astronaut and the current NASA administrator John Greunsfeld cargo aircraft Mars announced in 2020 as reported by the BBC on Monday (08/04/2014).

With a weight of 1 ton and cost $ 1.9 billion, or around Rp 22.3 trillion, this aircraft model to follow Curiosity - the plane was scheduled to land on Mars in August 2012 and the last in bringing 75 kg of scientific samples.

The ability to create oxygen that would certainly help the realization of a manned aircraft missions to Mars. Because the drone must carry a very heavy fuels, as well as high costs.

Previously, there has been another NASA spacecraft capable of producing oxygen from carbon dioxide. Moxie will test his ability in atsmosfer Mars for the first time.

Oxygen supply is very important for humans will land on Mars. Because in general the astronauts breathe O2.
A Moxie testers, Professor Tom Pike of Imperial College said, a change in the focus of the mission to Mars is like changing gears.

"It's more like the old Star Trek bolder, the main focus of this mission is exploration, not science. Not many places that can be addressed human after month. I would say the place is practical, and it is Mars," said Tom.

The distance of Mars from Earth about 140 million miles, a trip to Mars takes about 9 months to a minimum of half a year.