Tuesday 5 August 2014

Without Water and Electricity, Gazans Life Full of Anxiety

Gaza - The Israeli attack on Gaza is not only causing people to lose relatives, but also makes them difficult to survive.

Since last Tuesday, July 29, 2014, Gazans have lived without electricity, television, water pump, refrigerator and exhaust system.

Most people are lucky, hung their daily activities of the assistance given generator. "All the children were very scared when the power will be turned off," said one resident, Mohammed Nafoz.

Mohammed lived in a cramped apartment with two rooms along with 16 other people, including children. They hide during the day and night with fear.

Another resident, Yasmeen El Khoudary (24 years), he did not eat for two days. He did not even leave the house for a week.

Khoudary know there is enough food available in the camp, but her safety is more important. "We only eat when we remember to eat," said Khoudary.

"My thoughts were interrupted as Israeli bombs destroyed two of our homes, such as small toys that children played," added Khoudary.

On Tuesday last week, has lost at least 40% of Gaza fuel supply. Gazans now live in fear of their future.

Israel accused of destroying a pair of powerful generators in Gaza, even though the tool is very important to support the lives of citizens.

Authority Vice Chairman of Energy and Natural Resources in Gaza, Fathi al-Sheikh Khalil, said not easy to rebuild power plants, it took one year to resume operations. "This is a disaster," he said.

"We can not provide electricity to hospitals or pump water and sewage treatment to households. Persons must pump water into the tank housing but no electricity," Khalil added as reported by CNN on Tuesday (05/08/2014).

Khalil also said the fuel tank of 300,000 liters were used to supply electricity for one day in Gaza also attacked and burned. The fire also spread to other tanks.

"By attacking power plants and cut off the electricity, they have killed civilian life in Gaza," said Deputy of the electric company in Gaza, Jamal Derdsawoi.

While Israel insists that the power plant is not a target of their attack.

An Israeli military spokesman said he had checked the army, air, and sea Israel. And found no indication that the Israeli military attacked the electricity pembangkir.

As a result of the ongoing Israeli aggression since July 8, 2014, thousands of Gazans lost their lives. According to the UN, more than 1,800 people were killed in Gaza. This includes 327 children and 166 women.

This aggression also caused an estimated 1.8 million residents of Gaza to flee. Meanwhile, the Israel recorded 64 deaths, 3 of whom were civilians.

Israel blamed Hamas for the deaths of civilian casualties. They said Hamas continues to drive Gazans to remain indoors, while Israel continues to warn of the attack would come. They call Hamas using civilian facilities such as houses, schools, mosques and hospitals as shields and weapons caches.

Since Tuesday at 08:00 local time (05:00 GMT), Hamas and Israel have agreed on a humanitarian truce for 72 hours.