Friday 25 July 2014

Conspiracy Theory 5 Rebuttal First Man on the Moon Landing

On July 21, 1969, 45 years ago, a new history is created. Humans can finally set foot on the lunar surface. Represented by by Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin, the satellite reached Earth's surface using Apollo 11. Michael Collins waited anxiously in orbit.

Neil Armstrong Seconds decreased stairs witnessed by the world population. Approximately 1 to 7 of Earth's human population at that time - which reached 3.6 miliar-- expected to watch the broadcast of the most significant events in the modern history.

However, many people who thought that some part of the Apollo program was a hoax engineered aka United States Space Agency (NASA).

NASA and some of the accused have cheated the public to believe that the landing actually happened to manipulate equipment, is also preparing a number of objects such as photographs, tapes, transmissions, and an example of 'Moon rocks'.

In 1974, 2 years after the Apollo 17 mission, a writer named Bill about technical things Kaysing published a book titled, 'We Never Went to the Moon' - 'We're Not Been to the Moon'. And last year Fox Channel 5 broadcast a documentary entitled, 'Did We Land On The Moon?'.

There are a number of things that are considered odd. Including, the stars are absent in the sky the Moon, Buzz Aldrin planted the flag can be flown when there was nothing there, also the shadow that falls into a different direction.
Now, 45 years later, it could not hurt us again remember one of the greatest human achievement. A straight play down the importance of myth.

Here are 5 denial conspiracy theories pendaraatan man on the Moon, as quotes from International Business Times.

1. Star sidelined in the sky

In the photographs of the landing on the moon, not seen any of the stars in the sky. That's what makes people think, it is a portrait engineering.

To note, the Moon - the atmosphere is lacking - in contrast to the Earth. Even in daylight, the sky will look black. Sunlight does not fluoresce until the surface of the Moon.

Photos show astronaut on the Moon is only wearing a bright white spacesuits, a number of equipment whose function is still mysterious, and gray landscape - under the pitch black sky without stars.

Why not the stars look?

The answer, the camera used is set with short exposure images to avoid over-exposure. Bright lunar surface also requires the camera be set like that.

Compared with the surface of the light coming into the camera, the stars no meaning. Therefore flickering stars are not caught on camera.

2. Flags flutter USA

The facts show that there is no wind on the moon. However, in the photo seen fluttering American flag.

Then why is it that look like?

Indeed it is the way that NASA looks fluttering flag. By way of installing a small horizontal pipe on the mast - which makes inverted L-shaped. The flag was held up by a horizontal pipe and creates wrinkles in the flags fluttering effect.

3 Radiation deadly

It is said to reach the moon, the astronauts have to cross the Van Allen radiation belt is almost impossible. The belt is made up of particles and cosmic radiation captured by the Earth's magnetic field.

According to the proponents of conspiracy theories, will not likely traverse the radiation belts. But the data show otherwise. NASA has calculated everything before fly humans to the Moon.
They invest time and money that did little to investigate this risk. Finally, they concluded that radiation was only carries minimal risk. It took about an hour for Apollo to pass through the radiation belts. The total radiation dose received by astronauts from radiation it was only 10 millisieverts - the same as when a CT scan.

One more undeniable evidence is the fact that during the period of 3 years, 12 men walked on the lunar surface and return to Earth safely and can survive long enough.

4 How come there are mirrors on the Moon

Besides footprints, flags, golf balls, Moon vehicles worth $ 38 million, the Apollo astronauts left something else on the surface of the Moon - a large mirror, similar to the reflector.

This is the background: the highly reflective nature of the Moon, but the albedo (the amount of light reflected) only 0.12 - about the same as coal. The reason why the moon looks luminous and white, partly because of the contrast with the sky kelamnya. Also because the reflectivity of the Moon is quite directional - light falling on the surface tends to reflect the same direction - making it a satellite earth looks very bright.

The mirrors are mounted into the tool to reflect the laser beam back to the observer stations and observatories on Earth in the Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment project. With it, people can be the distance of Earth to the Moon with the right, for example, he turns away 3.8 cm per year.

5. Shadow in all directions

In addition to the mirror, conspiracy theories also questioned the direction of the shadow that is not uniform. Allegedly there is more than one source of lighting such as in a studio. In fact, the Sun is the only source of light in there.

That's because the moon's surface that is covered by craters, rocks, and mounds, not a flat surface. Because the light is touching the uneven surface it will look veer in any direction, depending on surface conditions. If the surface rises, the shadow will appear shorter, if the surface is decreased, then the shadow will elongate.

However, the Apollo program involves thousands of people who work hard for a goal. Each phase of the mission and each component of the spacecraft is planned in detail by the experts of different scientific backgrounds.

If it's true engineering achievement, to what work was done painstakingly. Moreover, landing on the Moon has been independently confirmed, even by the Soviet Union - the so rival the United States in the exploration of outer space in that era.