Colorado - The day was July 23, 2012, two years ago, the inhabitants of Earth perform daily activities, almost involuntarily catastrophe befall our planet.
The information dikuak recently by the United States Space Agency (NASA) explains, in the day that the Earth was almost hit by a solar flare (solar flares) or Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) - a burst of coronal mass, from the most powerful solar storm in the period 150 years.
Although spared the human planet, solar storms hit olar Terrestrial Relations Observatory satellites (STEREO-A) belongs to NASA.
What happens if a solar storm to hit Earth? The answer: catastrophe.
"Based on a recent study conducted, we increasingly believe that the Earth and the people in it are very fortunate at that time," said Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado, who heads the research project of solar storms, such as quotes from The Space Reporter, Friday (25 / 7/2014). "In the event the previous week, the Earth will be in the line of fire."
The only comparable with the CME in July 2012 Carrington Event is an event that took place in September 1859 directly Flares initially observed by English astronomer Richard Carrington.
At that time a number of high-powered CME hit Earth for several days in a row. Northern Lights or aurora extending to the south of Cuba. Global telegraph line disconnected, even sparking a fire that burned a telegraph office,
If something similar happened in 2012, the result will be more dangerous and widespread. X-rays and high levels of ultraviolet radiation will ionize the upper atmosphere of the Earth - turn off the radio network and disrupt GPS work. Electrons and protons are pushed in the event that damage man-made satellites orbiting the Earth is crowded.
Do not stop there, the CME that came later could trigger a global power outage. A study by the National Academy of Sciences estimated that the incident could cause economic losses reached $ 2 trillion, 20 times larger than Hurricane Katrina that had rocked the United States.
Not just the material loss. Humans would not be able to do the simplest things. Solar storms potentially disabling 'everything that is connected to the outlet'. Most people are not even going to flush the toilet because most of the urban water supply relying on electric pumps. "
Only 10 without electricity, internet, or communications around the world - is a scary thing. The result can be felt for years. It will be chaos and disaster in epic scale.
In July 2012, is the luck that the solar storm hit the Earth instead of STEREO-A. Solar Observatory recorded the data on the magnetic structure, shock wave, and energetic particles produced by the CME in the day, CME-CME also stated earlier.
From this information it was revealed that on July 23, 2012 CME occurs twice separately, each of which lasted 10 and 15 minutes. Plus CME that occurred four days earlier.
The bad news, in February 2014, a study led by Pete Riley of Predictive Science, Inc. found that the possibility of a solar storm or strong as the Carrington Event occurred in July 2012 again hit the Earth in 10 years, is 12 percent. Relatively high numbers. "We have to prepare," said Baker