Many men are found to have smelly feet after wearing shoes. But not a few women you know who has the same problem.
The temperature of the hot air that does make us sweat more, including in the legs. Excessive perspiration and bacteria on the skin is what causes the smell at the bottom of your body.
Lucky, we can reduce the bacteria in the foot by making continued dry feet, said foot care expert from Atlanta, Rondrick Williamson, DPM. Do the following as reported by Men's Health, on Wednesday (30/07/2014).
1 Soak the salt water
Salt draws moisture to your skin and reduce the amount of bacteria found there, said Al D'Angelantanio, III, DPM, podiatrist and assistant professor of surgery from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
Soak feet in warm salt water for 20 minutes. Perform routine every day for two weeks.
2 Soak vinegar
If the salt water does not work, try a foot soak with a mixture of water and vinegar for 30 minutes every day for a week. According to Williamson, vinegar gives the effect of drying the feet so that the bacteria will starve and die.
3 Soak the tea water
Enter two black tea bags in 1 liter of water and heat. Add 2 liters of cold water into it. Soak your feet for 30 minutes every day for a week.
Here, black tea works as a natural antibiotic that kills the bacteria on your feet.
4 Choose the right socks
Williamson recommends using cotton socks instead of nylon. If sweating so much, change socks twice a day.
5. Spray shoes
There are some special sprays speatu containing ethanol and other sanitary materials that can kill the bacteria according to D'Angelantanio.
6 Use cornstarch
Cornmeal is not just to make a meal, according to D'Angelantanio can also absorb moisture in your shoes. Sprinkle cornmeal on a shoe before being used.
The temperature of the hot air that does make us sweat more, including in the legs. Excessive perspiration and bacteria on the skin is what causes the smell at the bottom of your body.
Lucky, we can reduce the bacteria in the foot by making continued dry feet, said foot care expert from Atlanta, Rondrick Williamson, DPM. Do the following as reported by Men's Health, on Wednesday (30/07/2014).
1 Soak the salt water
Salt draws moisture to your skin and reduce the amount of bacteria found there, said Al D'Angelantanio, III, DPM, podiatrist and assistant professor of surgery from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
Soak feet in warm salt water for 20 minutes. Perform routine every day for two weeks.
2 Soak vinegar
If the salt water does not work, try a foot soak with a mixture of water and vinegar for 30 minutes every day for a week. According to Williamson, vinegar gives the effect of drying the feet so that the bacteria will starve and die.
3 Soak the tea water
Enter two black tea bags in 1 liter of water and heat. Add 2 liters of cold water into it. Soak your feet for 30 minutes every day for a week.
Here, black tea works as a natural antibiotic that kills the bacteria on your feet.
4 Choose the right socks
Williamson recommends using cotton socks instead of nylon. If sweating so much, change socks twice a day.
5. Spray shoes
There are some special sprays speatu containing ethanol and other sanitary materials that can kill the bacteria according to D'Angelantanio.
6 Use cornstarch
Cornmeal is not just to make a meal, according to D'Angelantanio can also absorb moisture in your shoes. Sprinkle cornmeal on a shoe before being used.