Saturday, 2 August 2014

According to Islam, Walking without Shoes or Sandals Healthier

Walking is a healthy activity without the need for large funds, but has great benefits for our body. Walk will be fun, at the time we did it with people who loved.

Are you a fan of this physical activity? If so, it is better not to wear footwear while doing it. Here's the reason.

Dr. Muhammad Suwardi explained, on the soles of the feet, there are many acupuncture points are rich with nerve fibers and blood vessels capillaries.

"Each platform will stimulate these points as acupuncture therapy which will channel the energy through the blood vessels and nerves," said Suwardi written Health on Tuesday (7/15/2014)

In addition, said Suwardi, barefoot body will interact directly with the Earth's magnetic medang. In magnetic therapy, explained that the body is affected by Earth's magnetic field. "That is why people today are more susceptible to disease, than people in ancient times," said Suwardi

Chairman of the Forum of Islamic Studies and Indonesian Medical, and author of the book titled `Healthy Solutions Islami`, adding, now, the body rarely intersect directly with the earth's magnetic medang, as always use footwear when traveling.

"So, make this exercise as your daily menu, if you want to remain healthy and fit," said Suwardi explained.