Friday 8 August 2014

Israel attacked Gaza again after the cease

Palestinians away from the border area

Israel said it had resumed air strikes on Gaza after Palestinian militants fired 18 rockets after the expiration of the three-day ceasefire on Friday (08/08) morning.

The Israeli army called the rocket attacks were "unacceptable, intolerable and petty".

At least one was arrested and there were no reports of casualties.

Israeli jets flying over Gaza and there are reports of various large explosion in Gaza.

Meanwhile, Palestinian civilians trying to get away from the border area.

Palestinian militant group Hamas, which controls Gaza, earlier Click rejects extension of truce and said Israel had failed to meet its demands.

Thousands of civilians were killed

Approximately 1,940 people were killed in four weeks of fighting in Gaza.

Palestinian officials said at least 1,875 people have been killed since the Israeli attack on July 8 with the aim of stopping rocket fire from militants in Gaza and destroy tissue Click the reported tunnels used by militants to launch attacks inside Israel.

The United Nations says 1,354 of those who died were civilians, including 415 children and 214 women.

The Israeli government said 64 soldiers, two Israeli civilians and a Thai citizen was killed during the battle.

Israel also claims about 900 Palestinian militants were killed in the attack on Gaza.