Saturday, 2 August 2014

Obama Praises Democratic Processes in Libya

Washington - United States President Barack Obama Thursday welcomed the electoral process in Libya as a milestone. He said the United States will stand with the nation torn apart by war that the transition to democracy.

Libyan authorities expressed hope Wednesday that the election results are still being calculated, will pave the way out of the chaos that plagued the country since 2011 after Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown.

"I congratulate the people of Libya at the end of the election to form a new Council of Representatives, a milestone in a bold attempt to transition four decades of dictatorship to full democracy," Obama said in a statement.

But he stressed that the voting is just one step in a shift of Libyan democracy.

"Libya's new government must now focus on building consensus in order to overcome the challenges of building security, provide public services effectively, and to ensure an inclusive political process," Obama added.

This election overshadowed by deadly violence in the second city Benghazi, including the killing of a women's rights activist prominent.

Seven soldiers were deployed to provide security on polling day in Benghazi were also killed, and 53 wounded, in what security officials said as an attack on their convoy by Islamic militants.

"The United States called on all parties to stop the violence and resolve differences through political dialogue and participation in the democratic process," Obama said.

"We remain committed to supporting the Libyan people as they work to lay the foundations of a democratic society during this challenging but historic moment."

National Security Advisor Susan Rice condemned the brutal killing and senseless on human rights activists and civil society Salwa Bugaighis.

Rice claimed to have met with Salwa in late 2011, shortly after the overthrow of Gaddafi.

"We join the Libyan people in mourning the loss of Salwa Bugaighis, and called on all Libyans to reject the extremists who seek to silence their opponents and frustrate the aspirations of the Libyan people," said Rice.