Saturday 9 August 2014

Rights defends Children of Gaza, Lionel Messi: As A Father ...

Barcelona - famous Argentine footballer Lionel Messi can not remain silent witnessing violence in the Gaza Strip, where Israeli forces committed indiscriminate attacks that left more than 1,900 Palestinians were killed, hundreds of whom are innocent boy. He defended the rights of children in the conflict areas.

"As a father and a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, I am very sad to see the pictures that record the conflict between Israel and Palestine, where violence claimed many lives of young people, also wounding children countless," Messi wrote on Facebook page official Thursday, as quotes from Al Arabiya, Saturday (08/09/2014).
On Friday, his statement was laced with 68,043,913 'Like'.

Messi, who is playing in Barcelona club added, "Children are not creating this conflict, but they are the most pay the consequences."

The man who was born in Rosario, June 24, 1987 was also urged a halt to the cycle of violence 'unreasonable' in the Gaza Strip. "We must reflect on the consequences of military conflict. Children must be protected."

Messi message written in Arabic and English. Picture a Palestinian boy whose head was bandaged also included.
Messi reap written statement reaction and comment back fans. Anybody wonder why the gridiron superstar expressed support to the Palestinians.

"How can you support the Arab terrorist organizations," wrote a person - referring to Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist faction which is labeled 'terrorists' by the United States.

Some of them welcomed the attitude Messi. "Thanx Leo ... Free Palestine" - "Thanks Leo, the Free Palestine '.

Meanwhile, some people argue, Messi statements that support the rights of the children of Gaza can clarify the position of the ball players linked Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Last July it was reported that the man's full name Lionel Andres Messi is donating $ 1 million untu Israel. Soon after a false report that appears, Messi reportedly preparing a lawsuit against the site 'Le Competiteur' who reported the claim.

Messi is not the only one. The attitude in the world's most expensive player Cristiano Ronaldo even openly defend the Palestinians.

He reportedly donated gold shoes which she won the 2011 season for his club to the charity. CR7 wants to help the children of Palestine.