Saturday 9 August 2014

2 Oral Health Problems due to Alcoholic Beverages


Not only sweet drinks and foods that can cause harm to the health of the mouth. Now, the dentist warned of the dangers of drinking a glass of alcohol at night.

Reported by the Daily Mail, Friday (08/08/2014) This danger can be generated after drinking alcohol.

1. Mouth Odor
Alcohol makes your mouth is dehydration which makes the flow of saliva decreases. Though saliva helps fight bacteria in the mouth, so that when the dry mouth that leaves plaque microorganisms growing in the mouth area and cause bad breath.

Not just that, the plaque irritate the gums, which can gum swelling, pain, or infection which makes bleeding when brushing teeth. Other risks, dental plaque can be damaged by this.

Dr Nigel Carter, Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation stated, excess alcohol can make dehydration in postmenopausal women and older people who do the amount of saliva decreases.

It is therefore advisable to drink lots of water immediately after drinking beverages beralkohohol. Can also eat candy and chewing gum to stimulate saliva production, which helps keep the mouth moist.

2. Increased Cancer Risk

According to Cancer Research UK, about 75-80% of patients with oral cancer are alcohol drinkers. "Drinking alcoholic beverages excessively, especially if combined with smoking could increase the risk of oral cancer," said Dr. Carter.

However, Dr. Carter appease those who drink alcoholic beverages within normal limits so as not to worry. But if you drink in large quantities and often will increase the risk of mouth cancer be larger. This is because alcohol has a direct effect on the cells that line the mouth, including the gums and cheek.