Have difficulty reading is one of the signs of Dyslexia disease. As reported from Mayoclinic.com, Monday (08/11/2014), Dyslexia is generally experienced by the children but did not rule adults were also experienced.
Dyslexia can be cured with treatment some way related to the performance of the brain and the use of the senses, especially sight (reading) and hearing.
Dyslexia can be cured with treatment some way related to the performance of the brain and the use of the senses, especially sight (reading) and hearing.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder characterized by difficulty in reading generally apply to children. Sometimes dyslexia go undiagnosed for years and was not recognized until adulthood.
There is no cure for Dyslexia because it is valid for life. This is due to the inherent properties that affect the performance of the brain. Most of the affected children can go to school with the guidance Dyslexia and special programs, also assisted with the emotional support of the surrounding environment.
Symptoms of Dyslexia difficult to identify the time before the children go to school because there are early indications when children reach school age, usually school teachers who will be aware of Dyslexia in children first.
Here are a few stages when the child is known to have Dyslexia:
Dyslexia is a learning disorder characterized by difficulty in reading generally apply to children. Sometimes dyslexia go undiagnosed for years and was not recognized until adulthood.
There is no cure for Dyslexia because it is valid for life. This is due to the inherent properties that affect the performance of the brain. Most of the affected children can go to school with the guidance Dyslexia and special programs, also assisted with the emotional support of the surrounding environment.
Symptoms of Dyslexia difficult to identify the time before the children go to school because there are early indications when children reach school age, usually school teachers who will be aware of Dyslexia in children first.
Here are a few stages when the child is known to have Dyslexia:
Before School
1 Slow talk
2 Slow to learn the words
2 Slow to learn the words
School Age
1 The ability to read below the average child his age
2 Problems with the process and understand what is heard
3 Difficulty understanding instructions quickly
4 Difficulty in sorting something
5. Difficulty seeing (and sometimes hear)
6 The inability to pronounce foreign words
7 Looking at letters or words in reverse and forth, eg 'b' so 'd'
8 Difficulty spell
9 Difficulty learning a foreign language
Adolescent and Adult
Symptoms of Dyslexia in teens and adults alike with children, though too late realizing it. Here Dyslexia symptoms in adolescents and adults:
1 Difficulty reading
2 Difficulty understanding jokes or idioms
3 Reading aloud
4 Difficulty summarizing the story
5. Difficulty learning a foreign language
6. difficulty memorizing
Dyslexia is generally characterized by a person delays in reading. Most children learn language at the age of kindergarten or elementary school grade 1 but Dyslexic children often can not understand it at the time. When Dyslexia undiagnosed and untreated, difficulty reading will continue into adulthood.
2 Problems with the process and understand what is heard
3 Difficulty understanding instructions quickly
4 Difficulty in sorting something
5. Difficulty seeing (and sometimes hear)
6 The inability to pronounce foreign words
7 Looking at letters or words in reverse and forth, eg 'b' so 'd'
8 Difficulty spell
9 Difficulty learning a foreign language
Adolescent and Adult
Symptoms of Dyslexia in teens and adults alike with children, though too late realizing it. Here Dyslexia symptoms in adolescents and adults:
1 Difficulty reading
2 Difficulty understanding jokes or idioms
3 Reading aloud
4 Difficulty summarizing the story
5. Difficulty learning a foreign language
6. difficulty memorizing
Dyslexia is generally characterized by a person delays in reading. Most children learn language at the age of kindergarten or elementary school grade 1 but Dyslexic children often can not understand it at the time. When Dyslexia undiagnosed and untreated, difficulty reading will continue into adulthood.
Causes of Dyslexia can be associated with a particular gene that is able to control the development of the brain. Properties derived from the family can affect parts of the brain associated with language system.
Dyslexia generally not treated with drugs. However, if your child has other conditions along with Dyslexia or disorders such as ADHD Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, will be given a prescription medication.
Dyslexia Treatment can be done through educational and psychological tests that will assist in developing appropriate teaching program.
At school, the teacher of Dyslexic children will use teaching techniques that involve hearing, sight, and touch to improve reading skills. For example, learning to use the senses, listening to recorded lessons and learn the words spoken.
Here the role of the parents in the treatment of children who suffer from Dyslexia:
1 Children's Dyslexia is advisable to get the help of an additional class in kindergarten or elementary school to improve reading skills. If not, the child will have difficulty in learning or academic child will tend to lag and may not be able to catch up
2 When children aged 6 months or younger, read or listen to something loud recorded books. If the child is considered large enough, help him adalam read story in written form and listen.
Causes of Dyslexia can be associated with a particular gene that is able to control the development of the brain. Properties derived from the family can affect parts of the brain associated with language system.
Dyslexia generally not treated with drugs. However, if your child has other conditions along with Dyslexia or disorders such as ADHD Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, will be given a prescription medication.
Dyslexia Treatment can be done through educational and psychological tests that will assist in developing appropriate teaching program.
At school, the teacher of Dyslexic children will use teaching techniques that involve hearing, sight, and touch to improve reading skills. For example, learning to use the senses, listening to recorded lessons and learn the words spoken.
Here the role of the parents in the treatment of children who suffer from Dyslexia:
1 Children's Dyslexia is advisable to get the help of an additional class in kindergarten or elementary school to improve reading skills. If not, the child will have difficulty in learning or academic child will tend to lag and may not be able to catch up
2 When children aged 6 months or younger, read or listen to something loud recorded books. If the child is considered large enough, help him adalam read story in written form and listen.