Saturday 9 August 2014

Ebola raged, the United States ambassador Pull Plans in Liberia

Fears of Ebola that killed 932 people in West Africa also felt America. Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Thomas Frieden even advised local authorities to withdraw ambassadors and off diplomacy activities in Liberia for a while.

In a Chicago Tribune report on Friday (08/08/2014) mentioned, the workers were allegedly infected with ebola also been evacuated to the United States and Spain for treatment.

On the other hand, several major airlines, such as British Airways and Emirates have suspended flights to the countries affected.

Sierra Leone police chief, Alfred Karrow said, this time security forces have been deployed to guard the territory of Kenema and Kailahun. And there have been 16 checkpoints on the main roads.

"There are no vehicles or people were allowed into or out of the district," said Alfred Karrow. It will continue until 50-days ahead, "he said.