![abu bkar al baghdadi](http://wscdn.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/assets/images/2014/07/31/140731151156_abu_bkar_al_baghdadi_512x288_ap_nocredit.jpg)
Previous several picture is leaked, but Baghdadi himself did not appear in public for four years since becoming the leader of the group formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq Jihadists, before Click the name ISIS, which is now becoming an Islamic state.
Prior to April 2013, not too many Baghdadi issued an audio message.
His first was a speech written statement on the death of Osama Bin Laden in May 2011.
His first audio message issued in July 2012, includes the predicted victory of the Islamic State in the future.
Since the emergence of the group, 15 months ago, Baghdadi information provided to the media increased.
The number of specific information about the background also increases.
Descendant of the Prophet Muhammad
In July 2013, the ideologists from Bahrain, Turki al-Binali, who uses the name Abu Humam Bakr bin Abd al-Aziz al-Athari, wrote a biography of Baghdadi mainly to underline Baghdadi family history.
He stated Baghdadi was a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, one of the key requirements in the history of Islam to be the caliph or leader of all Muslims.
Previously not so many photos circulating Baghdadi.
Baghdadi is said to come from the tribe of al-Bu Badri, which are mostly located in Samarra and Diyala, north of Baghdad and east, and the population historically known as a descendant of Muhammad.
Turki al-Binali then mentions that before the United States invasion of Iraq, Baghdadi received his doctorate from the Islamic University of Baghdad, which focus on cultural studies, history, law and Islamic jurisprudence.
Baghdadi had preached in Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Mosque in Samarra.
He does not have a degree from Sunni religious institutions such as the University of al-Azhar in Cairo or Islamic University of Medina in Saudi Arabia.
Even so he has more experience than the traditional Islamic education al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden and Aymen al-Zawahiri, both of which are ordinary people, engineers and doctors.
That's why Baghdadi received praise and higher legitimacy among its supporters.
Baghdadi is said to come from the tribe of al-Bu Badri, which are mostly located in Samarra and Diyala, north of Baghdad and east, and the population historically known as a descendant of Muhammad.
Turki al-Binali then mentions that before the United States invasion of Iraq, Baghdadi received his doctorate from the Islamic University of Baghdad, which focus on cultural studies, history, law and Islamic jurisprudence.
Baghdadi had preached in Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Mosque in Samarra.
He does not have a degree from Sunni religious institutions such as the University of al-Azhar in Cairo or Islamic University of Medina in Saudi Arabia.
Even so he has more experience than the traditional Islamic education al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden and Aymen al-Zawahiri, both of which are ordinary people, engineers and doctors.
That's why Baghdadi received praise and higher legitimacy among its supporters.
Being a leader
After the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Baghdadi and several colleagues founded the Jamaat Jaysh Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jama'ah (JJASJ), Armed Forces Residents Sunni group, which operates from Samarra, Diyala, and Baghdad.
Islamic countries seeking to control the oil-rich region in Iraq and Syria.
Within this group, Baghdadi became the leader of legal council. US-led forces detained from February-December 2004, but released him because they are not considered a threat Baghdadi high level.
Following in the footsteps of al-Qaeda in the Land of Two Rivers change its name to Majlis Shura al-Mujahideen (Mujahideen Shura Council) at the beginning of 2006, the leadership and the incorporation JJASJ expressed his support themselves.
In the new structure, Baghdadi joined the board of the law.
But not long after the organization announced a name change back at the end of 2006 to the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) Baghdadi became public officials in the provincial legal council in the "country" a new addition to the senior advisory board member of the ISI.
When the ISI leader Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, died in April 2010, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi replace it.
Historical figure?
Since becoming leader of the Islamic State, Baghdadi establish and revive the organization fall apart because Sunni tribal awakening reject it while at the same time also increased the power of the United States military.
Compared with the first attempt to rule the Islamic State in the last ten years, so far, although still using violence, they are seen as more successful although still raised questions about its sustainability in the long term.
This success in part because they are hard to combine the application of the laws of social services, as well as a feeding strategy.
If reviewed, the State Islamic target areas along the Euphrates and Tigris in addition to areas that have oil in Iraq and Syria.
Baghdadi and leaders of other Islamic countries realize monopoly on energy and the increase in military strength will facilitate the accumulation of power.
Can not be precisely predicted the fate of the Islamic State in the future, but it obviously makes Baghdadi organization become more known to the world.