We must know how to proper functioning of our body's biological cycle. There was a stage called the digestive phase usually lasts around 12:00 until 20:00.
Digestion phase is the time when the body receives a main meal menu by applying a natural diet, ie, with two ideal combination with the standard acid-base balance.
"That is, by combining with the acid forming foods alkaline-forming foods, the foods with the concentrated liquid diet," said Dr. Muhammad Suwardi written Health Liputan6.com on Tuesday (7/22/2014)
According Suwardi, that diet is also used Prophet Muhammad daily. The pattern is as follows:
Menu I: Carbs + vegetables
Menu II: protein + vegetables.
For example, during the day eat rice and vegetables, and consume the evening fish and vegetables. Settings menu can be tailored to our tastes. We can swap the first menu in the evening or vice versa. Even so, we should avoid the combination that is not ideal, as follows:
Rice + side dish
Meat + side dish
Side dishes + rice + vegetables
Rice + other types of carbohydrates
Rice + other + types of carbohydrate vegetables.
Substitute carbohydrates such as rice, noodles, rice noodles, sweet potatoes, cassava, potato, taro, bread, and others.
Substitute protein: meat, chicken, eggs, shellfish, squid, crab, tofu, tempeh, milk, and others.
Author of the book entitled 'Islamic Healthy Solutions' explains, vegetables can survive long enough with solid food during the digestive process, so as to maintain the acid-base balance. In effect, the digestive process can run more optimally.